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While working as a developer/programmer for Red98, I programmed the agency’s website,
Built with DHTML, Flash, and PHP, the site features an online portfolio, an interactive timeline, and a repository for news and events.
The site received a Standard of Excellence WebAward from the Web Marketing Association and was a Finalist for Best Technology Services Web Site from the Massachusetts Interactive Media Council.
Technologies Employed: DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Flash
While I’m fairly pleased with the way the site actually works, there are a number of things I’d change or would encourage the designer to change given the chance to do it again.
To provide access to users lacking the Flash plug-in, the site is duplicated in HTML, which made site maintenance kind of a pain. Now that Flash has better XML support, I’d probably rebuild the site to eliminate as much of the redundant data as possible.
Improvements in usability and accessibility could be made. I’m not a big fan of JavaScript pop-up windows, which are copiously used in this design.